Highways related matters are frequently raised with me, whether this be the state of the roads, parking issues or congestion. As such, I am always urging the Government to make more funding available to Staffordshire County Council so they can get these issues addressed.
This is why I am thrilled that the Government announced Staffordshire’s £285 million allocation from the Local Transport Fund. This will see an unprecedented increase in transport funding for Staffordshire, with the view to improving everyday local journeys for people.
Last year the Prime Minister committed to ensuring every pound that would have been spent on HS2 Phase 2 will be invested into transport improvements that benefit far more people, in far more places, far more quickly. Every penny of the £19.8 billion committed to the Northern leg will go to the North and every penny of the £9.6 billion committed to the Midlands leg will be distributed across the Midlands, with the £6.5 billion saved by our new approach to Euston benefitting the rest of the country.
Staffordshire’s £285 million allocation from the Local Transport Fund is a historic level of funding that can be used for the transport infrastructure that local communities really want. The new funds can pay for new roads, new mass transit systems, more EV charge-points or refurbished bus and train stations, to filling in potholes.
The decisions as to how to spend the money will be made by locally elected representatives, not Whitehall. I will therefore be working with Staffordshire County Council as they develop their plans regarding the projects that will be funded from this unanticipated boost. I would therefore be keen to hear your views on what you believe the priorities should be here in Cannock Chase. Please do let me know either e-mailing me at [email protected] or calling on 01543 877142.
This latest announcement builds on the progress of delivering reallocated HS2 spending into new transport schemes across the country. The Government have extended the national £2 bus fare cap. They announced the first down payment of a £1 billion investment in buses, with £150 million being allocated over the next year across the North and Midlands. And the government set out details of the new £8.3 billion road resurfacing fund, with the first £150 million already reaching local authorities.
I am sure you will agree that the Local Transport Fund is a fantastic opportunity to improve local transport infrastructure which will make a real difference to our everyday journeys.
As always, if you require my help with anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact me.