
Illegal Migration Bill

The last couple of weeks have been very busy in Parliament.  Last week saw the Chancellor of the Exchequer present the Budget and also, as MPs, we had our first vote on the new Illegal Migration Bill.

Great British Spring Clean

We are incredibly fortunate to have the beautiful Chase on our doorstep, but I think we can all agree that for anyone who loves our area, nature, and wildlife - litter is a real 'bugbear’!

Meeting local talented children and young people.

As the Member of Parliament for Cannock Chase, it is always fantastic to meet local talented children and young people.  In the last couple of weeks I’ve met with many stars of today and the future.

Local events across Cannock Chase

As the Member of Parliament for Cannock Chase, it is always fantastic to meet local talented children and young people.  In the last couple of weeks I’ve met with many stars of today and the future.

Asylum seekers update

A number of residents have contacted me about asylum seekers who are temporarily housed within Cannock Chase.

Residents have raised a number of concerns including the cost of using hotel accommodation, reports of anti-social and criminal behaviour and the impact on the local economy.